“Change Makers” ~ A Podcast Interview with Bellies Abroad Founder, Kiersten


Over the past few years I have become addicted to podcasts. It is how I get the majority of my news, and adore The Moth and of course, Start Up. I listen whenever I can, while doing house hold chores or riding on public transit; so I was incredibly flattered to have been invited to do a podcast interview with our lovely partner and provider Karen Wilmot, the Virtual Midwife.

Karen and I sat down last week and chatted about many of the issues that are close to our hearts. I think my favorite part was the rapid fire questions towards the end of the interview. Have a listen to see what song I feel best illuminates what the birthing experience is.


Kiersten Miller is a born and raised New Yorker who is a mom and an entrepreneur as well as Bellies Abroad’s founder and Mombassador.