How to Get Your Codice Fiscale


From our Dad About Town Richard Greenbury and our partners at CribMed.

The Codice Fiscale, the Italian Tax Identification Code, is needed for many administrative matters.

A resident or non-resident in Italy you will absolutely need this – not just for tax purposes as the name implies, but for just about anything – if you want to rent an apartment for over 30 days, open a bank account, set up a phone line or internet access, buy a phone card, register for a course, ANYTHING. So you would do well toget it as soon as possible.

Find out what it is, how and where to apply

The Codice Fiscale is a tax identification number used in all interaction with government agencies and public administration in Italy. It is a unique identity code devised from an individual’s name, date and place of birth. It is similar to the National Insurance number (NI) in the UK or the Social Security Number (SSN) in the US.

The Codice Fiscale is issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate (the Italian Revenue Agency) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Italy. It is a plastic credit card-sized card with the unique 16 alphanumeric digit code.

Codice fiscale is required when renting an apartment in order to register the contract. The owner needs this as soon as possible.
Bring your passport, 2 copies of your passport and visa, if you entered Italy on a visa.
Go between 8am – 12am weekdays

Applying for a Codice Fiscale

Application must be made at the local office of the Agenzie delle Entrate.


Or at click here to find your closest office

Documents Required:

  • Valid passport and visa (if you are a foreigner outside of EU that needs visa to stay in Italy)

On the same day of making an application, a number will be issued (and that is your Codice Fiscale) and the card will be sent by post at a later time. Make sure to save the paper copy with the number, as plastic card may never reach your address. If after a while you still have not received it, for some things you can use the paper version of your Codice Fiscale, but for other things you will be asked the plastic card so make sure you go back to the Agenzia delle Entrate and request the plastic card to be sent to your home.

Newborn babies must be issued with a Codice Fiscale within 60 days of birth. A parent must submit the application and supply the birth certificate.

By Richard Greenery, our Dad About Town

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash